Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Journal 2: Footloose, The Best Movie Ever

I am currently in love with the new Footloose movie that came out last year.  This movie appealed to me in so many ways, but I find myself attached to cultural aspects it represents.  One of my very favorite actress Julianne Hough, plays Arial, the preachers daughter in this movie.  I found this movie to be really good, and appealing to a variety of individuals ranging in ages.  Footloose takes an evaluates and inquires situations many of us are experiencing in our day to day lives.   A few examples would include: Ren MacCormack is dealing with the death of his mother, Ariel who has strict parents and a Reverend as a father, and experiencing relationships with significant others which aren’t approved of by your parents.   This movie takes situations that are common in the average Joe’s life and makes a movie from there.  A common response to this being my favorite movie is “the original is better.”  But, I beg to differ.  I think that this is because I watched the original after seeing the new movie.  After seeing the new movie, I didn’t like the old one at all.  I found that even thought the ideas were the same in both movies, the scenes, ideas, and conversations were placed better in the new movie.  Maybe the original was fitting for the time period it came out during, but the new movie is more relatable for this day in age. My personal favorite scene in this movie is the very end, were they are having the dance in the old mill. I’m not sure if this movie was more appealing to me because I am a small town, country girl, but it is definitely my favorite right now.  


  1. I have never seen the new Footloose or the old one. Mainly because I am not the biggest musical fan. I am one of the people that says "the original is better" but I do agree with you the newer one would be more relatable. And it is good that you can relate to it because you are from a small town. It always helps to find a movie you can relate to

  2. I'm sorry to say I've never seen either of the Footloose movies, though I have seen previews for the new one. Based on the previews I understand how you think that the new one is more relatable and would have to I agree. I, also, think it has something to do with the time period when each one came out. The new one would fit into our generation's "style" more than the older one.
